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Pink Eye Treatment Doctor

Pink Eye Treatment Doctor Q&A

Pink eye treatment typically involves keeping the eye clean, using prescribed antibiotic eye drops for bacterial infections, and applying warm compresses to alleviate discomfort. At Medallus Urgent Care, we provide expert care and guidance to ensure effective treatment and quick relief from pink eye symptoms. Prompt treatment can help prevent the spread of this contagious condition and ensure a speedy recovery. For more information please contact us or see our business hours online. We have convenient locations to serve you in Jamestown ND, Fargo ND, and Mandan ND.

Pink Eye Treatment Doctor Near Me in Jamestown, and Fargo, ND
Pink Eye Treatment Doctor Near Me in Jamestown, and Fargo, ND
Pink eye treatment typically involves keeping the eye clean, using prescribed antibiotic eye drops for bacterial infections, and applying warm compresses to alleviate discomfort. At Medallus Urgent Care, we provide expert care and guidance to ensure effective treatment and quick relief from pink eye symptoms. Prompt treatment can help prevent the spread of this contagious condition and ensure a speedy recovery. For more information please contact us or see our business hours online. We have convenient locations to serve you in Jamestown ND, Fargo ND, and Mandan ND.
Pink eye treatment typically involves keeping the eye clean, using prescribed antibiotic eye drops for bacterial infections, and applying warm compresses to alleviate discomfort. At Medallus Urgent Care, we provide expert care and guidance to ensure effective treatment and quick relief from pink eye symptoms. Prompt treatment can help prevent the spread of this contagious condition and ensure a speedy recovery. For more information please contact us or see our business hours online. We have convenient locations to serve you in Jamestown ND, Fargo ND, and Mandan ND.

Table of Contents:

How long is pink eye contagious?
How long does pink eye last?
Will pink eye go away on its own?
Should I see a doctor for pink eye?
Why did I get pink eye overnight?

How long is pink eye contagious?

Pink eye, medically known as conjunctivitis, is irritation of the eye brought on by external forces such as infection or bacteria. Since pink eye affects the conjunctiva of the eye, patients who experience it will notice the whites of the eye will be a pinkish-red color, which is where the term pink eye comes from. Pink eye will also cause the eye in some situations to weep discharge or patients will also note that the discharge creates a crusty layer around their eyelids or tear ducts, and patients should avoid touching it because pink eye that is caused by viruses or bacteria are extremely contagious and will not become non-contagious until 24 hours after the first antibiotics used to treat the conjunctivitis.

Conjunctivitis can also be caused by debris getting into the eye, such as sand or dirt, which is why if you are unsure of what has caused your pink eye, you should seek care from a medical professional as they can make sure there is no debris in the eye prior to giving a prescription for antibiotics, since using antibiotics when there is still debris present in the eye can lead to conjunctivitis not healing properly or symptoms returning.

How long does pink eye last?

Since conjunctivitis (pink eye) can be caused by multiple different situations such as allergies or contact with bacteria or a virus, the duration that pink eye can last, and the severity of the pink eye can all be affected by these factors. Patients who have bacterial conjunctivitis can experience weeping and discharge for up to 10 days before it clears, but this time can be lessened using antibiotics. Patients who are experiencing pink eye that has been caused by a virus can have symptoms and discharge for up to 14 days as there is no medical intervention that can be used to treat this kind of conjunctivitis. If your conjunctivitis is caused by allergies, then the use of allergy medications (antihistamines) may manage or eliminate the pink eye.

If you have recently traveled and have come home with pink eye you should seek immediate medical care for it, as different parts of the world have different viruses and bacteria present in their ecosystems, and if you have bacteria from somewhere else causing your conjunctivitis you will need different antibiotics than those who get pink eye at home.

Will pink eye go away on its own?

Depending on the cause of the pink eye, it can go away by itself, as previously mentioned those who have bacterial conjunctivitis can find it goes away within 10 days, whereas those who have viral conjunctivitis can expect it to go away on its own within 14 days. There are some situations where it will not go away on its own, which is in the rare situation that a patient has been exposed to an STI/STD which will need to be dealt with using antibiotics prescribed by a doctor.

Should I see a doctor for pink eye?

You should always see a doctor when you begin to have symptoms of conjunctivitis so they can determine what is causing the pink eye and if needed, they will prescribe antibiotics, antiallergy drops, or other medications based on what is the cause of conjunctivitis. In the rare situations where conjunctivitis is caused by an STD/STI withholding from medical treatment can not only worsen the situation but potentially make it more difficult to treat.

Why did I get pink eye overnight?

Since many different situations can cause pink eye, this means that you could go to bed and wake up with pink eye, this does not mean that the day before you contracted pink eye, as the bacteria or virus needs a few days to begin to cause symptoms, whereas conjunctivitis caused by allergies can begin immediately or within few hours of exposure. This is why it is important to seek medical care when you have conjunctivitis as determining the cause is important to the treatment of pink eye. For more information please contact us or see our business hours online. We serve patients from Jamestown ND, Valley City ND, Devils Lake ND, Fargo ND, Mapleton ND, Horace ND, Mandan ND, Bismarck ND, Lincoln ND and surrounding areas.

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Jamestown, ND

Fargo, ND

Mandan, ND

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