Wart Removal Doctor in Jamestown, and Fargo, ND
Wart removal involves treatments like cryotherapy, topical medications, and minor surgical procedures to eliminate warts effectively. At Medallus Urgent Care, we offer expert wart removal services, ensuring safe and efficient treatment. With professional care, patients can achieve smooth, clear skin and prevent the spread of warts. For more information, please contact us or see our business hours online. We have convenient locations to serve you in Jamestown ND, Fargo ND, and Mandan ND.

Table of Contents:
What is the main cause of warts?
What removes warts quickly?
Will a wart grow back if cut off?
Can warts become cancerous?
When should I be concerned about a wart?
Warts are bump-like structures that can form on places like the sole of the foot, the palm of the hand, and inside or around the mouth. Though no matter where the warts have formed, they are all caused by strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV), where they are on the body can indicate what strain of HPV is causing the warts.
Patients who experience warts on their hands, also known as common warts (Verrucca vulgaris), are most likely to be caused by HPV strains type 2 and 4, with them also being caused by types 1, 3, 7, 27, 29, and 57, but the most common strain found to cause these hand warts are HPV types 2 and 4.
Patients who develop warts on the feet (also known as plantar warts) are most caused by HPV types 1, 2, 4, 27, and 57.
There are also many other types of warts that patients can have form, such as butchers warts, which tend to form on the hands of those who work with raw meats, cold environments, or damp environments.
Since there are so many different types of warts that can form, some not listed here, it is important to see a doctor when you notice the formation of one, regardless of where the location is, so they can determine the type of wart it is and recommend the best treatment options available to you.
There are many at-home treatment options available to remove warts, and these can be a great option for those who have common warts or plantar warts, but these may not be the best method for removal in other cases. This is why seeing a medical professional about a wart will always be the best option, as doctors have tools at their disposal that work much more quickly for the removal of the wart(s) and carry fewer risks than the at-home methods.
In a medical practice, doctors will be able to use different options to treat wart(s), including freezing the wart(s) for removal, injection methods involving candida antigen, which stimulates the body to fight the wart off, laser treatments, or chemical and acid-based peels that can also remove the wart. Many patients use the available over-the-counter acid treatments to treat warts at home, but the acids that doctors have access to for the removal of warts are a lot stronger, which means the likelihood of a successful removal with this method is also increased.
You should not under any circumstances attempt to cut off a wart since, as previously mentioned, warts are caused by HPV, cutting into a wart increases the chance of spreading the virus and developing more warts in the area. Also cutting into the wart can involve missing the root of the wart as well, which means it will just regrow and can grow back larger than the previous wart. It has also shown that those who attempt to cut off warts before seeking medical help with the removal can also find that removing the regrown wart can be extremely difficult to achieve.
This depends on the strain of the HPV causing the wart and the location of the wart, when it comes to common warts or plantar warts this is unlikely; however, in the case of warts that are in the oral cavity (mouth) or around or inside the vaginal canal, it can increase the risks of developing cancer in the area. Those with oral warts can develop oral cancer, and women with warts near or inside the vaginal canal can develop cervical cancer. There is also a chance of developing penile cancer, anal cancer, or vulvar cancer if there are warts located in these sensitive areas. This is why when you become aware of warts in these areas you should seek medical help in their removal along with potentially having blood testing to make sure that there are no signs of cancer developing, like an increase in white blood cells.
Since most warts are harmless and will disappear within a few months to a year of their development you should not be concerned about every wart you experience but there are some that should be looked at by a physician. These warts that should be examined by a doctor are ones located in sensitive areas like the vulva, vagina, penis, anus, or in your mouth, as these are genital warts. Other warts you should have examined are those that cause you pain or discomfort that are on the hands or feet. For more information please contact us or see our business hours online. We serve patients from Jamestown ND, Valley City ND, Devils Lake ND, Fargo ND, Mapleton ND, Horace ND, Mandan ND, Bismarck ND, Lincoln ND and surrounding areas.